Logarithm Properties
by EngliSea on 2021-11-01
ᐥ① 1⍻b = 0 ② b⍻b = 1 ③ (b˄x)⍻b = x ④ b˄(x⍻b) = x ⑤ (x˄p)⍻b = p·(x⍻b) ⑥ x⍻b = (x⍻c)/(b⍻c) ⑦ (x·y)⍻b = x⍻b+y⍻b ⑧ (x/y)⍻b = x⍻b-y⍻bᐥ

➊ 1⍻b = 0
The power that the base must be raised to in order to yield 1 is the 0th.

➋ b⍻b = 1
The power that the base must be raised to in order to yield the base itself is the 1st.

➌ (b˄x)⍻b = x
The power that the base must be raised to in order to yield the base raised to the power of a number is the power of the number.

➍ b˄(x⍻b) = x
A number raised to the power that the number must be raised to in order to yield x is x.

➎ (x˄p)⍻b
= ((b˄(x⍻b))˄p)⍻b
= (b˄((x⍻b)·p))⍻b
= (x⍻b)·p
= p·(x⍻b)

= (b˄(x⍻b))⍻c
= (x⍻b)·(b⍻c)
➏ x⍻b = (x⍻c)/(b⍻c)

➐ (x·y)⍻b
┆x=b˄(x⍻b), y=b˄(y⍻b)┆
= ((b˄(x⍻b))·(b˄(y⍻b)))⍻b
= (b˄(x⍻b+y⍻b))⍻b
= x⍻b+y⍻b

➑ (x/y)⍻b
┆x=b˄(x⍻b), y=b˄(y⍻b)┆
= ((b˄(x⍻b))/(b∧(y⍻b)))⍻b
= (b˄(x⍻b-y⍻b))⍻b
= x⍻b-y⍻b