Euclid ⪢⪢
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 02 Basic Euclidian Geometry: Points, Lines, and Planes
 prime number theorem
○ Around 300 BC Euclid proved there were infinite number of prime numbers. ○ The number of prime numbers less than a certain natural number is asymptotically equivalent to x/(x⍻e).
 BC 0570 - 0495 Pythagoras
○ How many ways are there to prove the Pythagorean theorem? - Betty Fei ○ James Garfeild, Pythagoras, hypotenuse, tessellation, Euclid
 04 Types of Triangles in Euclidian Geometry
Types of Triangles in Euclidian Geometry
 BC 0300? Euclid
It was the Greek mathematician Euclid who produced the first precise description of the golden section. A length is devided into two parts in such a way that the smaller part is to the larger part in the same proportion as the larger one is to the whole.
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