Florida ⪢⪢
○○○ He's playing the piano on a public sidewalk. ⪢⪢
Anyone can sit down and play. It's part of an arts project in Sarasota Florida but no one expected this. Pedestrians are taken aback. This video shows him performing for a father and his young son. #quote
○○○ 1961.04 The United States made an attempt to remove Castro from power. ⪢⪢
The U.S. trained Cuban exiles who had escaped Castro by moving to Florida and supported them in an invasion of Cuba. This became known as "The Bay of Pigs Invasion". The invasion failed and Castro continued to tighten his grip over Cuba. → exile
○○○ 1959 Fidel Castro took control of the island nation of Cuba ⪢⪢
only 90 miles from the state of Florida. He established Cuba as a communist nation and began forging a close relationship with the Soviet Union, which concerned the United States. → forge, concern
○○○ behemoth ⪢⪢
On July 16th 1969, the towering silhouette of the Saturn 5 rocket, a behemoth of American engineering, cast a long shadow on the Florida landscape. #bookmark
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