already ⪢⪢
Already means before now.
 already ⪢⪢
The boy had already washed his hands before he sat down to eat his dinner.
 already ⪢⪢
Several hydrogen energy trials are _____ taking place all over the world. #bookmark
○○○ ingrain ⪢⪢
Since ancient times the belief that stars could influence the way we live was already ingrained.
○○○ 0978 ⪢⪢
He returns, seizes Kiev, kills his brother and takes the title of Grand Prince of Kiev. In the South, the Byzantine Empire already at war with Bulgarians undergoes an insurrection. The emperor asks Vladimir for help and receives 6,000 warriors.
○○○ catch up ⪢⪢
Whether we can oneday know everything, there is to know, we can't yet say. But we already know more than enough to keep you busy catching up for a while. So let's learn some physics.
○○○ cannibal ⪢⪢
He's sold the other four already and now he's trying to sell the fifth. Maybe he's a cannibal. I don't know but he pays on time and that's all I care about.
○○○ fear ⪢⪢
He who fears he would suffer already suffers because he fears. #quote
○○○ aloft ⪢⪢
Though it already boasts a range of 2,400 miles, the ability to refuel without landing means that the X-47B can theoretically stay aloft for days or even weeks at a time. #bookmark
○○○ #TOEIC 321 ⪢⪢
Thanks, but I've already arranged for a taxi.
○○○ #TOEIC 44 ~ 46 ⪢⪢
She might have already started reviewing some of the files.
 1643 - 1727 Isaac Newton
Galileo had already discovered some years prior that the distance traveled by a falling object is represented by a function of time. Newton wondered how one could calculate the velocity of the object at any particular instance during the fall.
 03 Rates of Change
Galileo had already discovered some years prior that the distance traveled by a falling object is represented by a function of time. Newton wondered how one could calculate the velocity of the object at any particular instance during the fall.
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