ancestor ⪢⪢
An ancestor is a family member from the past.
 ancestor ⪢⪢
My great grandfather is my ancestor.
○○○ ARPANET ⪢⪢
Funded by the US department of defence and developed by universities, this host-to-host network connection called ARPANET, a direct ancestor of the Internet, was the first of its kind. #it
○○○ gulp ⪢⪢
But if that doesn't work, like if there is not enough oxygen in the water, the axolotl has a backup, fully functional lungs. It can use to gulp air from the surface. These organs are evolutionary leftovers from when its ancestors lived on land.
○○○ William the Conqueror ⪢⪢
In England, ladies and gentlemen are happy to announce that their ancestors came to Britain with William the Conqueror in 1066.
○○○ charcoal ⪢⪢
One of the oldest art forms, painting has been around ever since our ancient ancestors first started producing charcoal creations on cave walls. #art
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