depict ⪢⪢
To depict something means to show or portray it often using art.
 depict ⪢⪢
The statue's face depicted the general's determination and courage. #bookmark
 depict ⪢⪢
The sign of Taurus depicts Zeus's metamorphosis. → Europa, Minos, Crete, abduct, Minotaur, reign, dreadful
◎◎◎ Cancer ⪢⪢
The sign of _____ is depicted by a crab. #Greece
○○○ impressionist ⪢⪢
One of the most famous modern French painters, Pierre-Auguste Renoir was one of the earliest members of the impressionist movement which was all about capturing modern life by depicting everyday events. #art
○○○ The sign of Cancer is depicted by a crab. ⪢⪢
The creature was sent by the goddess Hera to help Hydra in the fight against Hercules. Even though she ended up on the defeating side, the goddess honored the creature's efforts placing it among the stars.
○○○ Astraea and Dike ⪢⪢
Her daughters, Astraea and Dike, also represent justice and so they are also depicted holding a scale. → Astrea, Astria
○○○ Griffin ⪢⪢
There are depictions of flower blossoms, animals, the sun and riders on horseback. There is even a winged Griffin on one of the borders. #bookmark
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