either ⪢⪢
 either ⪢⪢
○○○ frequently ⪢⪢
We meet _____ , either at the beginning or ending of the week.
○○○ nor ⪢⪢
I eat neither apples nor oranges. I don't like either one.
 the bridge riddle - Alex Gendler
Taking that internship in a remote mountain lab might not have been the best idea. Pulling that lever with the skull symbol just to see what it did probably wasn’t so smart either.
◌◌◌ Space
By stringing an infinite number of lines along a dimension perpendicular to the line, a two-dimensional object called a plane can be obtained. And then if we string an infinite number of planes in either direction, we get three dimensional space.
◌◌◌ Plane
By stringing an infinite number of lines along a dimension perpendicular to the line, a two-dimensional object called a plane can be obtained. And then if we string an infinite number of planes in either direction, we get three dimensional space.
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