evolve ⪢⪢
 evolve ⪢⪢
Many people think that humans _____d from animals.
 evolve ⪢⪢
 evolve ⪢⪢
It was Darwin who first understood how it was that plants and animals _____d over time to produce new and different species.
○○○ oar ⪢⪢
Besides its streamline body, its most obvious adaptation into underwater life is a pair of feathered rear legs that have evolved into oars and help it maneuver underwater.
 On The Origin Of Species
How do we explain how animals have evolved over time. Charles Darwin, the British naturalist and geologist, famously answered this question in his book 'On The Origin Of Species' which proposed the mechanism of evolutionary change within animal species.
 Leonard Susskind
The space itself may be more than three dimensions. But we can't visualize more dimensions. The architecture of the brain itself is evolved in the world of three dimensions. We only describe more dimensions by pure mathematics.
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