host ⪢⪢
Have you ever looked up into the sky and wondered what was there? Higher than the birds, past the clouds and farther than the moon, a whole host of fascinating objects spin in outer space. → wonder #quote
○○○ hostage ⪢⪢
South Korea is sending a delegation to Iran to seek the release of its siezed oil ship. Iran denies holding the ship and the crew as hostages. 2021-01-15
○○○ ARPANET ⪢⪢
Funded by the US department of defence and developed by universities, this host-to-host network connection called ARPANET, a direct ancestor of the Internet, was the first of its kind. #it
○○○ oppose ⪢⪢
A new study shows more than 80 percent of Japanese _____ the country hosting the Olympic Games this year.
○○○ precipitous ⪢⪢
It's known for its five distinctive peaks hosting _____ cliffs, tranquil temples and serene lookouts. #bookmark
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