lay ⪢⪢
 lay ⪢⪢
We'll look at these three forces and how laying them on top of each other creates a good template for tracking economic movements and figuring out what's happening now. #economy
 lay ⪢⪢
Don't lay your socks on the floor.
⨀⨀⨀ Lay's ⪢⪢
○○○ bark ⪢⪢
They gnaw through bark to eat the sugary layer underneath.
○○○ bedrock ⪢⪢
Finally and most importantly, mountains have deformed bedrock, meaning the layers of rock beneath the surface have been folded, faulted and tilted by the movement of Earth's crust.
○○○ plateau ⪢⪢
Like a mountain a plateau tends to have high elevation different though in that it has very little relief it tends to be fairly flat. Most importantly plateaus do not have deformed bedrock rather they have horizontal or flat bedrock layers. → prairie
○○○ drip ⪢⪢
As the water _____s and later evaporates, it leaves behind a thin layer of minerals.
○○○ courtesy of ⪢⪢
They have multiple layers of protection courtesy of their thick blubber which protect all their major veins and arteries making them extremely difficult to dispatch.
○○○ elaborate ⪢⪢
When stars with masses a bit bigger than our own sun reach the end of their life and begin to collapse to form light hot dwarf stars, they will throw off their outer layers of matter. This matter will spread and form an elaborate cloud of gas which ...
○○○ vintage fashion ⪢⪢
If you an appericator of fine vintage fashion and you have a taste for old rugs, this one might appeal to you but it would cost a lot of money to lay your hands on it. #bookmark
 Relative Dating of Rock Layers
 Integumentary System
Layers of the Skin
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