◎◎◎ boy ⪢⪢
A _____ is a male child.
○○○ third person ⪢⪢
He explains that English does not have a third person singular pronoun that does not identify as male or female. Zimmer says that more and more "they" is being used to replace the traditional phrase, "he or she".
○○○ actor ⪢⪢
The role of king was given to a male _____ . The role of queen was given to a female _____ .
○○○ metabolism ⪢⪢
This male booted racket-tailed hummingbird lives on the brink of starvation. Just 2 hours without nectar and he could die. Humming birds have the fastest metabolisms on Earth. Some need to visit 2 thousand flowers a day just to keep going.
○○○ other than ⪢⪢
An animal that can and does defeat an adult male polar bear is, well, none other than another polar bear but bigger and stronger.
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