○○○ 2021.08.18 bewilder ⪢⪢
In this remarkable photo, you can see the entire plane jammed with fleeing Afghans. Take a closer look: A baby drinking milk and bewildered children fleeing their homeland with only what they could carry.
○○○ bottle ⪢⪢
The _____ was filled with milk.
○○○ Capricorn is symbolized by a goat with a fishtail. ⪢⪢
Zeus had a son with her nanny who fed him with goat milk. Pan was born from this union. During the uprise of Taifa against Zeus with the intent of escaping from the monster, Pan plunged into the waters and formed her fishtail.
○○○ put ⪢⪢
Where did you _____ the milk?
○○○ put ⪢⪢
I _____ the milk _____ the refrigerator.
○○○ Magellanic ⪢⪢
N79 is located in the large Magellanic cloud, a satellite galaxy of our milky way.
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