nectar ⪢⪢
 nectar ⪢⪢
Bees use nectar to make their honey.
○○○ Aquarius ⪢⪢
The sign of _____ mentions the abduction myth of the gorgeous Ganymede who was abducted by Zeus in oder to serve the gods in Olympus. His role was to fill the bowls and cups of gods with the nectar of immortality.
○○○ metabolism ⪢⪢
This male booted racket-tailed hummingbird lives on the brink of starvation. Just 2 hours without nectar and he could die. Humming birds have the fastest metabolisms on Earth. Some need to visit 2 thousand flowers a day just to keep going.
 Greek Myth Vocabulary
diety, dieu, dios, underworld, Hades, nymph, nectar, prophecy, revelation, Minotaur
◌◌◌ fruits
raspberry, pear, cantaloupe, concord grape, grapefruit, tangerine, citrus, organic, pit, peach, nectarine, plum
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