search ⪢⪢
◎◎◎ hunt ⪢⪢
To hunt is to look for or search for an animal to kill.
○○○ scrub ⪢⪢
The bear has learned to chase off the mothers and then search for the calves hiding in the scrub.
○○○ culprit ⪢⪢
The police were still searching for the culprit from the robbery.
○○○ subject ⪢⪢
The officer subjected everyone to a careful search before they left the plane.
○○○ fleet ⪢⪢
The United States military operates a diverse fleet of helicopters for various missions including transport, attack, reconnaissance and search-and-rescue. #bookmark
○○○ I'm sailing away, ⪢⪢
set an open course for the virgin seas. I've got to be free, free to face the life that's ahead of me. On board I'm the captain so climb aboard. We'll search for tomorrow on every shore and I'll try, oh Lord, I'll try to carry on. #have_got #lyrics
A great next step is to go to youglish dot com. It's a collection of YouTube videos with subtitles and you can search for a particular word or phrase and then filter by American English.
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