shine ⪢⪢
When he came up out of the water, his great white body shone in the morning sun. Birds followed him and flew above him. Captain Ahap's face shone too. He was a child again.
○○○ would ⪢⪢
When Persephone was with her mother, Demeter _____ shine from happiness and the land _____ become fertile and fruitful and this was spring and summer.
○○○ shroud ⪢⪢
In the vast Cosmic tapestry where stars and galaxies shine brightly, a hidden era known as The Cosmic Dawn once _____ed the universe. #bookmark
○○○ shine on ⪢⪢
Things that look white are reflecting almost all of the visible light shining on them. Things that look black are absorbing almost all of the visible light shining on them.
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