spend ⪢⪢
 spend ⪢⪢
I like to _____ my free time fishing.
◎◎◎ hermit ⪢⪢
₁ a person who lives alone and does not spend time with others
○○○ posture ⪢⪢
If you spend long hours sitting at a desk, you know how important it is to maintain good _____ and provide proper support to your back and spine.
○○○ limbo ⪢⪢
The article describes them as being in limbo that means in a condition of prolonged uncertainty so they will spend a long time in uncertain conditions.
○○○ spending ⪢⪢
Credit spends just like money so adding together the money spent and the amount of credit spent you could know the total spending. #economy
○○○ price ⪢⪢
The total amount of spending drives the economy. If you divide the amount spent by the quantity sold you get the price. #economy
○○○ government ⪢⪢
A central government that collects taxes and spends money and a central bank which is different from other buyers and sellers because it controls the amount of money and credit in the economy. #economy
○○○ argue ⪢⪢
The mother and father argued about how to spend their money.
○○○ embrace ⪢⪢
As the navy and army continue to embrace the potential of unmanned aircraft, pilots may soon find themselves spending much more time out of harm's way.
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