○○○ 1223 Bulgarians ⪢⪢
The Mongols then move north where they are defeated by the Bulgarians before disappearing. #bookmark
○○○ other than ⪢⪢
An animal that can and does defeat an adult male polar bear is, well, none other than another polar bear but bigger and stronger.
○○○ warhead ⪢⪢
It is capable of destroying any existing main battle tanks in the world as the Javelin's heat war head is capable of defeating modern tanks by hitting them from above where their armor is the thinnest. #bookmark
○○○ The sign of Cancer is depicted by a crab. ⪢⪢
The creature was sent by the goddess Hera to help Hydra in the fight against Hercules. Even though she ended up on the defeating side, the goddess honored the creature's efforts placing it among the stars.
○○○ 1223 repel ⪢⪢
The Russian princes form a coalition to repel this new threat but they are defeated. #bookmark
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