◎◎◎ blank ⪢⪢
If something is blank, it has nothing on it.
○○○ Point ⪢⪢
First we look at a point. This is nothing more than a location in space. It is zero-dimensional, meaning that it has no dimensions of any kind. #math
○○○ hang on ⪢⪢
Now, don't _____. Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky. It slips away and all your money won't another minute buy. Dust in the wind. All we are is dust in the wind. Dust in the wind. Everything is dust in the wind. #song
○○○ traitor ⪢⪢
A typical day in wild Tanzania, lioness stalks baboon. But nothing is quite as it seems. These baboons are not the prey. They become traitors, ready to sacrifice the lives of others to survive.
○○○ neutralize ⪢⪢
Thus your best choice would be the silty stream. It contains nothing your filter water bottle can't neutralize.
 1571 - 1630 Johannes Kepler
Keplar observed that the relationship between a number in Fibonacci sequence and the previous number more and more closely approaches the irrational number Φ the longer the sequence is continued and Φ describes nothing other than the golden section.
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