border ⪢⪢
A _____ is a dividing line between countries.
 border ⪢⪢
You need a passport when you cross the _____ .
 border ⪢⪢
It _____s Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Turkey. #Greece
○○○ 2020.09.16 ⪢⪢
In Mongolia demonstrators protested the arrival of China's top diplomat on Tuesday. Critics accuse China of suppressing native language and culture in ethnic Mongolian areas within its borders.
○○○ Ceuta ⪢⪢
Spanish officials deploy troops to Ceuta to patrol the border with Morocco after thousands of migrants swam into the city. #image #place
○○○ Antony Blinken ⪢⪢
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken urges Americans to leave Ukraine over, what he calls, "very troubling signs" related to Russian activities at the border.
○○○ The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan ⪢⪢
is a landlocked mineral-rich country in Central Asia. It is bordered by Pakistan to the south and east, Iran to the west, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to the north and has small border with China in its far north-east.
○○○ square off ⪢⪢
British and Estonian tanks square off against each other in a snowy wasteland not far from the Russian border. → square, jitter
○○○ quintessential ⪢⪢
Ukraine is the quintessential borderland state.
○○○ Ukraine ⪢⪢
The country borders three former soviet states; Russia, Belarus, Moldova and four countries in the European Union; Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.
○○○ crossing ⪢⪢
In Canada, the busiest border crossing with the U.S. opens after police arrested protesters and seized vehicles. But other protests continue against COVID-19 rules.
○○○ USSR ⪢⪢
Ukraine shares borders with Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova, all countries that used to have close ties to the former USSR. → Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
○○○ 2014 ⪢⪢
The southern border of Ukraine is along the Black Sea. This was the site of war in Dunbas led by Russian separatists which led to the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014. → lead
○○○ amass ⪢⪢
And immediately prior to this declaration, the Russian army had amassed around 200,000 soldiers along with their tanks, artillery, equipment and field hospitals across their border and many others inside of Belarus along their border with Ukraine.
○○○ 2022.02.28 ⪢⪢
Talks between Ukrainian and Russian delegates begin near Ukraine's border with Belarus but the possibility of a ceasefire agreement remains unclear. → delegate
○○○ 1962.10.28 The crisis finally ended on October 28th, 1962 ⪢⪢
when President Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Krushchev reached a secret agreement. The Soviets would remove their missile bases in Cuba and in exchange the U.S. would remove missile bases in Turkey which were close to the Soviet Union's borders.
○○○ Medyka ⪢⪢
Ukrainian refugees continue to arrive at Poland's Medyka border crossing as Russian forces face increasing accusations of civilian killings. 2022-04-05
○○○ cram ⪢⪢
Scenes out of Ukraine show desperate people walking miles in freezing temperatures, cramming onto train station platforms and waiting hours at the Polish border. 2022-03-03
○○○ Griffin ⪢⪢
There are depictions of flower blossoms, animals, the sun and riders on horseback. There is even a winged Griffin on one of the borders. #bookmark
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