○○○ James Clerk Maxwell ⪢⪢
Figures like Newton and Huygens worked with light in the 17th century but a more sophisticated description of light which we call classical electromagnetism was developed largely by James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century.  
○○○ evil ⪢⪢
The _____ figure scared us all.
○○○ totem pole ⪢⪢
Totem poles were carvings of various animal or human figures and often the poles had a mythical or spiritual significance for the people who carved them.
○○○ Kamila Valieva ⪢⪢
There is a mystery still swirling around the Russian figure skating team. That is 15 year old phenom _____ who could face disqualification after reportingly testing positive for a banned heart medication.
○○○ vivid ⪢⪢
The figures in the painting were vivid.
○○○ clear ⪢⪢
In China, a Russian figure skater who failed a drug test is cleared by Olympic officials to compete in the Beijing Winter Games.
○○○ face measures ⪢⪢
And in China, Olympic Committee Chief Thomas Bach says those responsible for giving banned drugs to a 15-year-old figure skater will face very strong measures. → take measures 2022-02-18
○○○ each ⪢⪢
In this example, we're asked to estimate the number of degrees each of the shaded figures has been rotated and state the direction of the rotation. #math
○○○ while ⪢⪢
But all the _____ , the shadowy figure watched from below.
○○○ Hades ⪢⪢
Suddenly the earth split and a terrifying figure arose. It was _____ , God of the dead and the underworld.
○○○ Douglas MacArthur ⪢⪢
General _____ is one of the most notable and controversial military figures America has ever produced.
○○○ Minotaur ⪢⪢
The great legend tells of a monstrous figure, the _____ , half-man, half-bull, born of the union of a while bull with Pasiphae, king minos's wife. #Greece
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