• myth ⪢⪢
Before science and psychology provided answers about our world, people used _____ to explain strange things in nature; the creation of the world and human actions and emotions.
Different cultures had different stories to try to explain things.
○○○ Tuesday ⪢⪢
Tuesday is Mars day. But the Anglo-saxons had their own sky god of war named Tiw or Tyr in Norse
Mythology known as the one-handed war god (due to his hand having been bitten off by a wolf). #front #Greece
○○○ Wednesday ⪢⪢
The reason that _____ is spelled so funny is because it's actually Woden's day. Woden was the big guy of Germanic
mythology and the creator of the universe and master of hunting and war while the Roman god Mercury was a mere messenger to the gods. #front
○○○ Monday ⪢⪢
Monday is moon day. Roman
mythology had the moon goddess Luna which is why French has Lundi, Spanish Lunes, but here English substituted its own old English word for moon, Mona. #front #Greece
○○○ Aquarius ⪢⪢
The sign of _____ mentions the abduction
myth of the gorgeous Ganymede who was abducted by Zeus in oder to serve the gods in Olympus. His role was to fill the bowls and cups of gods with the nectar of immortality.
○○○ genesis ⪢⪢
The origin of the universe is the origin of everything. Multiple scientic theories plus creation
myths from around the world have tried to explain its mysterious genesis.
○○○ Leo ⪢⪢
The sign of _____ was also connected to the
myth of the hero Hercules. The Nemean lion was also killed by the hero during the execution of his renowned 12 jobs.
• Japanese myth
○イザナギ, イザナミ, あまてらす, スサノオ, あめのぬぼこ, おのごろじま, おに, ようかい, ツクヨミ, くにとこたち
○entangle, composure, fortify, consummate, ritualistic, repentance, divine, corps