• 1643 - 1727 Isaac Newton
Galileo had already discovered some years prior that the distance traveled by a falling object is represented by a function of time.
Newton wondered how one could calculate the velocity of the object at any
particular instance during the fall.
• 03 Rates of Change
Galileo had already discovered some years prior that the distance traveled by a falling object is represented by a function of time. Newton wondered how one could calculate the velocity of the object at any
particular instance during the fall.
◌◌◌ Line
From here, we can construct a one- dimensional object by stringing an infinite number of points along a
particular dimension. This object is called a line.
• youglish.com
A great next step is to go to youglish dot com. It's a collection of YouTube videos with subtitles and you can search for a
particular word or phrase and then filter by American English.