particular ⪢⪢
The dress shop doesn't have the particular dress she was looking for.
 particular ⪢⪢
The dress shop doesn't have the particular dress she was looking for.
◎◎◎ brand ⪢⪢
A _____ is a particular name of a product.
○○○ configuration ⪢⪢
Our solar system's particular configuration of planets and other celestial objects, all revolving around the life-giving star, make it a special place to call home.
○○○ Artemis ⪢⪢
He was a great hunter and so he had an excellent relationship with _____ , the goddess of hunting, who was particularly fond of him.
 1643 - 1727 Isaac Newton
Galileo had already discovered some years prior that the distance traveled by a falling object is represented by a function of time. Newton wondered how one could calculate the velocity of the object at any particular instance during the fall.
 07 How to organize, add and multiply matrices
By now, I'm sure that in just anything you do in your life, you need numbers. In particular, though some fields don't just need a few numbers, they need lots of them. How do you keep track of those numbers?
 03 Rates of Change
Galileo had already discovered some years prior that the distance traveled by a falling object is represented by a function of time. Newton wondered how one could calculate the velocity of the object at any particular instance during the fall.
◌◌◌ Line
From here, we can construct a one- dimensional object by stringing an infinite number of points along a particular dimension. This object is called a line.
A great next step is to go to youglish dot com. It's a collection of YouTube videos with subtitles and you can search for a particular word or phrase and then filter by American English.
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