○○○ death ⪢⪢
He who fears death cannot enjoy life. #quote #Spanish_Proverb
○○○ innocence ⪢⪢
You've been accused of a crime you did not commit. It's impossible to prove your innocence.
○○○ found ⪢⪢
On the morning of February the 24th, these fears proved to be well founded.
○○○ ψ ≈ 137.5° ⪢⪢
As angles smaller than 180° proved to be more handy in practice, the smaller of the resultant angles is usually called golden angle. #math
 prime number theorem
○ Around 300 BC Euclid proved there were infinite number of prime numbers. ○ The number of prime numbers less than a certain natural number is asymptotically equivalent to x/(x⍻e).
 BC 0570 - 0495 Pythagoras
○ How many ways are there to prove the Pythagorean theorem? - Betty Fei ○ James Garfeild, Pythagoras, hypotenuse, tessellation, Euclid
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