○○○ shover ⪢⪢
That's when the dogs' owner
runs out and pushes the big bear there off the wall with her own 2 hands. The bear shover is Hailey Morinico and she's just 17 years old.
○○○ Bastille ⪢⪢
The wands of smoke are rising from the walls of the Bastille and through the streets of Paris
runs a sense of the unreal.
The Kings have all departed.
Their servants are no where.
We burned out their mansions in the name of Robespierre. #song #lyrics
○○○ disruption ⪢⪢
The result was only temporary though RT confirmed the distributed disruption of service on Twitter but said it repelled the hit on its servers. The site is back up and
○○○ fluctuate ⪢⪢
Productivity matters mostly in the long
run but credit matters mostly in the short
run. This is because productivity growth doesn't fluctuate much. So it's not a big driver of economic swings.