○○○ Ebola ⪢⪢
Ebola is caused by six species of virus with four known to cause sickness in humans and each is named after the locations of their outbreaks. The first known species was Zaire Ebola virus discovered in 1976 near Zaire's Ebola river.
○○○ epiphyte ⪢⪢
These jungles have sparse undergrowth but are rich with apiphytes and prey species.
○○○ endanger ⪢⪢
A critically endangered species, fewer than 900 adults remain on just 4 Philippine islands. #bookmark
○○○ classify ⪢⪢
The biologist classified the plant as a completely new species.
○○○ grizzly ⪢⪢
Grizzlies and polar bears are almost the same species and increasingly overlap and interbreed. But grizzlies are a more serious threat to the herd.
○○○ keystone species ⪢⪢
Beavers are keystone species wielding an oversized influence on their surroundings. They build dams which filter water, flood rivers and create crucial wetlands. → wield
○○○ aquatic ⪢⪢
There are more than 3,000 known species of aquatic beetles.
○○○ controversial ⪢⪢
When the book, The Origin of Species, was published in 1859, it was very popular and very _____ .
○○○ adaptable ⪢⪢
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. #quote #Charles_Darwin
○○○ conservation ⪢⪢
Conservation groups like the Philippine eagle foundation are studying the eagles' behaviors in an effort to save the species.
○○○ deforestation ⪢⪢
Making deforestation in nesting areas a threat to the species' survival. #bookmark
○○○ one-off ⪢⪢
We've decided to combine one-off beasts and species. So let the monster mash begin.
◌◌◌ anole
○ ecomorph: A local variety of a species whose appearance is determined by its ecological environment.
 On The Origin Of Species
How do we explain how animals have evolved over time. Charles Darwin, the British naturalist and geologist, famously answered this question in his book 'On The Origin Of Species' which proposed the mechanism of evolutionary change within animal species.
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