wonderful ⪢⪢
Someday we shall return to this place upon the meadow. We'll walk out in the rain. Hear the birds above singing once again. You'll hold me in your arms and say once again you love me. And if your love is true, everything will be just as _____. #lyrics
○○○ Someday we shall return to this place upon the meadow. ⪢⪢
We'll walk out in the rain. Hear the birds above singing once again. You'll hold me in your arms and say once again you love me. And if your love is true, everything will be just as wonderful. #lyrics
○○○ will ⪢⪢
Johns, hold me in your arms and say once again you love me. And if your love is true, everything _____ be just as wonderful. You'll hold me in your arms and say once again...
○○○ vine ⪢⪢
It will grow a vine as high as the sky. Up there is a magical kingdom with many wonderful things. #bookmark
○○○ display ⪢⪢
The museum _____ed many wonderful paintings.
○○○ will ⪢⪢
And if your love is true, everything _____ be just as wonderful. #bookmark #conditional ▲→▲
○○○ will ⪢⪢
And if your love is true, everything _____ be just as wonderful. #bookmark #conditional ▲→▲
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