EngliSea > G > grammer > modal verbs > would > past habitual behavior
○○○ would ⪢⪢
Everyday he _____ have to climb up the hill into the forest to cut wood. Then he _____ carry it with the help of his two donkeys into the city.
1662#4130 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4130
○○○ would ⪢⪢
When he played his lyre, even the birds _____ come by his window to listen to him play.
○○○ would ⪢⪢
So when Persephone was with Hades, Demeter was sad and not in the mood for the harvest. The Earth _____ decline into autumn and winter.
1662#10002 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10002
Songs in Easy English
○○○ would ⪢⪢
When Persephone was with her mother, Demeter _____ shine from happiness and the land _____ become fertile and fruitful and this was spring and summer. #bookmark
1662#6911 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6911
○○○ would ⪢⪢
His heart _____ soften when he saw Persephone and he was amazed by her youth and her beauty and her freshness. He asked Demeter to marry Persephone but Demeter said that that _____ never happen. #bookmark
1662#7146 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7146
○○○ would ⪢⪢
The little girl was naughty because she _____ not obey her mother.
1662#14674 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14674
○○○ would ⪢⪢
And as a result, the prince soon became vain and _____ criticize everyone around him.
1662#11777 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11777
○○○ would ⪢⪢
And everytime the wind _____ blow, it seemed to whisper, "The prince has donkey ears. The prince has donkey ears."
1662#11789 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11789
