EngliSea > L > Listionary
○○○ fit ⪢⪢
Its signature rings are wide enough to fit between Earth and the moon but are barely a kilometer thick. #bookmark
14184#10275 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10275
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
○○○ laboratory ⪢⪢
And Russia says it will end cooperation with the U.S. on the International Space Station to develop its own orbiting laboratory. 2022-07-26
14184#19606 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19606
○○○ ladle ⪢⪢
14184#17723 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17723
○○○ landmass ⪢⪢
14184#16111 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16111
○○○ laughter ⪢⪢
Laughter is the best medicine. #quote
14184#10116 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10116
○○○ launch ⪢⪢
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos launches into space from West Texas on the first passenger flight of his company's rocket. With him were his brother, an 82-year-old pilot and a Dutch teenager.
14184#16209 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16209
○○○ lawmaker ⪢⪢
→ senator
14184#5286 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5286
○○○ lead ⪢⪢
This can sometimes lead them to do things that are unhealthy.
14184#14817 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14817
○○○ leopard ⪢⪢
A leopard doesn't change its spots. #quote
14184#10079 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10079
○○○ leverage ⪢⪢
→ delve #bookmark
14184#27983 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27983
◎◎◎ LGBT ⪢⪢
LGBT is a short way to say Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.
14184#5911 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5911
○○○ LGBTQ ⪢⪢
In Taiwan, _____ activists protest the island's same-sex marriage law which places limits on international marriages.
14184#19991 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19991
○○○ lid ⪢⪢
The top part of the pot is called a lid or cover. It can be made of metal or glass.
14184#17727 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17727
◎◎◎ lieutenant ⪢⪢
14184#14796 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14796
○○○ life ⪢⪢
If life were predictable, it would cease to be life and be without flavor. #quote #conditional △→△
14184#20097 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20097
○○○ life ⪢⪢
#quote #Carnegie
14184#27792 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27792
○○○ listen ⪢⪢
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand. They listen with the intent to reply. #quote #bookmark
14184#20105 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20105
○○○ listen for ⪢⪢
14184#28415 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28415
○○○ lot ⪢⪢
14184#28410 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28410
○○○ lull ⪢⪢
Waves lull me to sleep. The seagulls wake me up.
14184#18241 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18241
○○○ Lunar New Year ⪢⪢
In Beijing, China, shops and offices reopen as the Lunar New Year holiday comes to an end. The break was extended to help fight the coronavirus outbreak. 2020-02-10
14184#12420 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12420
○○○ on the line ⪢⪢
14184#19781 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19781
