EngliSea > C > Corona Safe Schooling > science > Earth Science > Listionary
◌◌◌ dendritic
16531#16115 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16115
○○○ plateau ⪢⪢
Like a mountain a plateau tends to have high elevation different though in that it has very little relief it tends to be fairly flat. Most importantly plateaus do not have deformed bedrock rather they have horizontal or flat bedrock layers. → prairie
16531#16114 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16114
○○○ radial ⪢⪢
→ radio
16531#16116 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16116
○○○ relief ⪢⪢
Mountains have lots of relief and big changes in elevation between the peaks and the valleys.
16531#16112 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16112
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
