EngliSea > A > aqua > axolotl
16124#16123 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16123
○○○ autonomous ⪢⪢
16124#16138 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16138
○○○ Chinampas ⪢⪢
→ Xochimilco #bookmark
16124#16139 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16139
○○○ frill ⪢⪢
The axolotl isn't just a frilly salamander with a half smile and a blank stare.
16124#16125 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16125
○○○ gill ⪢⪢
The gills are reddish-purple from the blood cells, pulsing through them, pulling oxygen directly from the water.
16124#16130 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16130
○○○ gravel ⪢⪢
-- pesticide
16124#16140 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16140
○○○ gulp ⪢⪢
But if that doesn't work, like if there is not enough oxygen in the water, the axolotl has a backup, fully functional lungs. It can use to gulp air from the surface. These organs are evolutionary leftovers from when its ancestors lived on land.
16124#16131 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16131
○○○ hang on ⪢⪢
Even as it grows up to a foot in length, it hangs on to its larval lifestyle.
16124#16129 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16129
○○○ harness ⪢⪢
Harnessing this healing ability for humans would be a breakthrough. #bookmark
16124#16132 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16132
○○○ ingenuity ⪢⪢
16124#16141 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16141
○○○ limb ⪢⪢
→ axolotl
16124#16136 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16136
○○○ morph ⪢⪢
It's named after an Aztec God who escaped death by morphing this amphibian shape.
16124#16126 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16126
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
○○○ peep ⪢⪢
-- head on
16124#16142 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16142
○○○ remnant ⪢⪢
Here, in the remnants of their ancestral home, only a few hundreds are left.
16124#16135 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16135
○○○ shed ⪢⪢
In time, many salamanders _____ these features, develop lungs and crawl onto land.
16124#16128 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16128
○○○ tadpole ⪢⪢
It grows into a tadpole, a larva with gills and a flattened fin-shaped tail.
16124#16127 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16127
○○○ vertebrate ⪢⪢
And that's amazing for a vertebrate, an animal with a backbone like us.
16124#16137 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16137
○○○ Xochimilco ⪢⪢
16124#16133 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16133
◌◌◌ Xochimilco
16124#16134 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16134
