EngliSea > A > astronomy > space telescopes > Hubble
20424#20145 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20145
○○○ audible ⪢⪢
→ David Goggins
20424#18771 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18771
○○○ cryogenic ⪢⪢
20424#18767 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18767
○○○ dip ⪢⪢
ᐥa small dip in lightᐥ
20424#18772 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18772
○○○ GN-z11 ⪢⪢
20424#18764 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18764
○○○ Hubble ⪢⪢
20424#18762 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18762
Hubble Space Telescope
20424#15311 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15311
James Webb
20424#18760 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18760
◌◌◌ nebula
20424#18768 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18768
○○○ Spitzer ⪢⪢
20424#18769 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18769
○○○ stretch ⪢⪢
20424#18766 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18766
○○○ uncanny ⪢⪢
20424#18770 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18770
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
