EngliSea > O > Essential Words
◎◎◎ objective ⪢⪢
10138#14476 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14476
◎◎◎ objective ⪢⪢
10138#13435 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13435
◎◎◎ oblivious ⪢⪢
10138#12983 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12983
○○○ oblivious ⪢⪢
10138#23533 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23533
◎◎◎ observe ⪢⪢
To _____ something is to watch it.
10138#15291 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15291
○○○ observe ⪢⪢
Brian _____d the sun rising over the mountains.
10138#15304 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15304
◎◎◎ obsess ⪢⪢
think about all of the time
10138#12481 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12481
○○○ obsess ⪢⪢
→ Ike
10138#18795 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18795
◎◎◎ obstacle ⪢⪢
10138#13124 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13124
○○○ obstacle ⪢⪢
10138#21395 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21395
◎◎◎ obstruct ⪢⪢
10138#8207 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 8207
○○○ obstruct ⪢⪢
10138#22748 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22748
◎◎◎ ocean ⪢⪢
The ocean is all of the salt water that surrounds land.
10138#13980 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13980
○○○ ocean ⪢⪢
The ocean can make powerful waves.
10138#13981 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13981
◎◎◎ odor ⪢⪢
→ aroma, odor, scent, smell, sniff
10138#22886 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22886
○○○ odor ⪢⪢
10138#22887 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22887
◎◎◎ offense ⪢⪢
An offense is an action that breaks the law and requires punishment.
10138#13024 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13024
○○○ offense ⪢⪢
◎◎◎ offer ⪢⪢
To _____ is to present someone with something.
10138#20414 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20414
○○○ offer ⪢⪢
He _____ed me the keys to his car.
10138#20415 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20415
◎◎◎ officer ⪢⪢
An officer is a leader in the army.
10138#19422 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19422
○○○ officer ⪢⪢
The soldiers followed the orders of the officer.
10138#19423 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19423
◎◎◎ offset ⪢⪢
10138#12133 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12133
○○○ offset ⪢⪢
10138#14538 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14538
◎◎◎ offspring ⪢⪢
10138#13350 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13350
○○○ offspring ⪢⪢
10138#19209 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19209
◎◎◎ omen ⪢⪢
10138#12522 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12522
○○○ omen ⪢⪢
10138#19000 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19000
◎◎◎ omission ⪢⪢
10138#12768 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12768
○○○ omission ⪢⪢
10138#17473 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17473
◎◎◎ onset ⪢⪢
10138#12587 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12587
○○○ onset ⪢⪢
10138#18671 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18671
◎◎◎ operate ⪢⪢
10138#3695 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3695
◎◎◎ opportunity ⪢⪢
10138#15465 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15465
○○○ opportunity ⪢⪢
I had an _____ to take pictures in the jungle.
10138#15468 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15468
○○○ opt ⪢⪢
→ vanilla
10138#11656 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11656
◎◎◎ opt ⪢⪢
10138#17637 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17637
◎◎◎ optic ⪢⪢
When something is optic, it relates to the eyes or light.
10138#12005 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12005
○○○ optic ⪢⪢
10138#12957 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12957
◎◎◎ option ⪢⪢
10138#12966 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12966
○○○ option ⪢⪢
10138#14410 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14410
◎◎◎ oracle ⪢⪢
10138#12278 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12278
○○○ oracle ⪢⪢
10138#21560 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21560
◎◎◎ orangutan ⪢⪢
※The photo uploaded is of a Gibbon.
10138#12337 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12337
○○○ orangutan ⪢⪢
10138#26151 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 26151
◎◎◎ orbit ⪢⪢
10138#12279 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12279
○○○ orbit ⪢⪢
The moon orbits the Earth.
10138#19356 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19356
◎◎◎ ordeal ⪢⪢
An ordeal is a bad experience.
10138#10111 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10111
○○○ ordeal ⪢⪢
10138#18798 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18798
◎◎◎ ore ⪢⪢
10138#12875 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12875
○○○ ore ⪢⪢
10138#18668 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18668
◎◎◎ organic ⪢⪢
10138#13507 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13507
○○○ organic ⪢⪢
The _____ carrots are more expensive but they're better for you.
10138#18672 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18672
◎◎◎ organism ⪢⪢
10138#13449 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13449
○○○ organism ⪢⪢
We studied the organism on the microscope.
10138#18673 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18673
◎◎◎ original ⪢⪢
If something is original, it is the first one of that thing.
10138#19424 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19424
○○○ original ⪢⪢
This is the original painting of the Mona Lisa.
10138#19425 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19425
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
◎◎◎ ornament ⪢⪢
10138#11990 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11990
○○○ ornament ⪢⪢
10138#18866 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18866
◎◎◎ ornate ⪢⪢
10138#12462 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12462
○○○ ornate ⪢⪢
→ prom dress
10138#18669 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18669
○○○ outback ⪢⪢
10138#20412 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20412
◎◎◎ outback ⪢⪢
10138#12876 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12876
◎◎◎ outburst ⪢⪢
10138#12734 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12734
○○○ outburst ⪢⪢
10138#17646 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17646
◎◎◎ outdated ⪢⪢
10138#11947 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11947
○○○ outdated ⪢⪢
10138#2852 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 2852
◎◎◎ outfit ⪢⪢
10138#3570 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3570
○○○ outfit ⪢⪢
10138#13533 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13533
◎◎◎ outline ⪢⪢
10138#14836 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14836
○○○ outline ⪢⪢
10138#14837 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14837
◎◎◎ outlook ⪢⪢
10138#12063 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12063
○○○ outlook ⪢⪢
10138#18930 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18930
◎◎◎ outmoded ⪢⪢
10138#12711 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12711
○○○ outmoded ⪢⪢
10138#20069 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20069
○○○ outnumber ⪢⪢
10138#6623 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6623
◎◎◎ outnumber ⪢⪢
10138#12112 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12112
○○○ output ⪢⪢
10138#6408 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6408
◎◎◎ output ⪢⪢
10138#12782 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12782
◎◎◎ outright ⪢⪢
10138#3828 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3828
○○○ outright ⪢⪢
10138#18482 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18482
◎◎◎ outspoken ⪢⪢
10138#10560 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10560
○○○ outspoken ⪢⪢
10138#18799 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18799
◎◎◎ outstretched ⪢⪢
10138#12694 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12694
○○○ outstretched ⪢⪢
10138#19784 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19784
◎◎◎ outweigh ⪢⪢
10138#12877 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12877
○○○ outweigh ⪢⪢
10138#20498 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20498
◎◎◎ overboard ⪢⪢
10138#12482 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12482
○○○ overboard ⪢⪢
10138#22772 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22772
◎◎◎ overcast ⪢⪢
10138#12523 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12523
○○○ overcast ⪢⪢
10138#19001 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19001
◎◎◎ overcrowded ⪢⪢
10138#12627 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12627
○○○ overcrowded ⪢⪢
10138#19249 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19249
◎◎◎ overdose ⪢⪢
10138#3872 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3872
○○○ overdose ⪢⪢
10138#22746 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22746
◎◎◎ overhead ⪢⪢
10138#13389 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13389
○○○ overhead ⪢⪢
10138#28461 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28461
○○○ overjoyed ⪢⪢
10138#6354 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6354
◎◎◎ overjoyed ⪢⪢
10138#12393 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12393
◎◎◎ overlap ⪢⪢
10138#12135 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12135
○○○ overlap ⪢⪢
10138#14540 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14540
◎◎◎ overload ⪢⪢
10138#12338 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12338
○○○ overload ⪢⪢
If you overload the truck, it might crash.
10138#14440 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14440
◎◎◎ overpopulation ⪢⪢
10138#12783 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12783
○○○ overpopulation ⪢⪢
10138#19865 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19865
◎◎◎ oversee ⪢⪢
To _____ something means to make sure that it is being done properly.
10138#12769 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12769
○○○ oversee ⪢⪢
10138#17474 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17474
○○○ overview ⪢⪢
10138#9771 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9771
◎◎◎ overview ⪢⪢
10138#12284 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12284
◎◎◎ overwhelm ⪢⪢
10138#12379 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12379
○○○ overwhelm ⪢⪢
→ assign
10138#19358 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19358
◎◎◎ overwork ⪢⪢
10138#10561 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10561
○○○ overwork ⪢⪢
→ Judy
10138#17548 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17548
◎◎◎ owe ⪢⪢
10138#14358 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14358
○○○ owe ⪢⪢
10138#14359 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14359
◎◎◎ oxygen ⪢⪢
10138#13436 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13436
○○○ oxygen ⪢⪢
10138#28599 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28599
