EngliSea > P > places > Africa > Mozambique
○○○ follow ⪢⪢
4106#19601 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19601
○○○ mapmaker ⪢⪢
4106#19600 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19600
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
○○○ Maputo ⪢⪢
→ proximity
4106#19598 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19598
○○○ Mozambique ⪢⪢
4106#19596 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19596
○○○ Renamo ⪢⪢
4106#12410 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12410
○○○ reside ⪢⪢
4106#19597 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19597
○○○ seafarer ⪢⪢
4106#19599 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19599
○○○ sequester ⪢⪢
→ exacerbate
4106#19603 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19603
○○○ Shangaan ⪢⪢
4106#19602 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19602
