EngliSea > C > Corona Safe Schooling > science > Earth Science > Erosion by Water
Erosion by Water
11105#6917 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6917
○○○ away ⪢⪢
Water can break down rock and dirt and carry the particles _____ to another place.
11105#23830 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23830
○○○ carry ⪢⪢
Over many years, the Colorado River has carried away particles of dirt and rock carving its path deeper and deeper into the ground.
11105#23834 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23834
○○○ erode ⪢⪢
The way the ocean _____s the shore depends how the water moves and what kind of rock the shore is made of.
11105#23833 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23833
○○○ erosion ⪢⪢
11105#23828 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23828
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
○○○ fjord ⪢⪢
11105#23838 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23838
○○○ Grand Canyon ⪢⪢
11105#23835 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23835
○○○ landform ⪢⪢
The earth is covered in many different _____s.
11105#23825 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23825
◎◎◎ landform ⪢⪢
_____s are natural features of the earth's surface like mountains, deserts and plains.
11105#23826 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23826
○○○ permanent ⪢⪢
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○○○ scrape ⪢⪢
11105#23837 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23837
○○○ sea stack ⪢⪢
11105#23832 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23832
○○○ shoreline ⪢⪢
Waves beat upon the _____ breaking up rocks along the coast.
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○○○ slab ⪢⪢
Glaciers are sometimes called 'rivers of ice' because they are huge _____s of ice and snow that move very slowly across the landscape.
11105#23836 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23836
○○○ wear ⪢⪢
Erosion occurs when the surface of the earth _____s away.
11105#23829 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23829
