EngliSea > P > places > travel > tour > surreal places
○○○ alive ⪢⪢
23564#8476 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 8476
○○○ bastion ⪢⪢
23564#8519 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 8519
◌◌◌ Cappadocia
23564#24067 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24067
○○○ Cappadocia ⪢⪢
In central Turkey, _____ is a scene straight out of a fairy tale combining both natural and man-made beauty. #place
23564#24068 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24068
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
Chocolate Hills
23564#24069 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24069
○○○ Chocolate Hills ⪢⪢
The Chocolate Hills in the Philippines are a collection of over a thousand mounds that turn chocolatey brown during Bohol's dry season. #image #place
23564#24070 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24070
◌◌◌ Meteora
23564#24065 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24065
○○○ Meteora ⪢⪢
Meaning elevated in Greek, Meteora is a jutting rock formation in Northern Greece. → jut #place
23564#24066 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24066
○○○ strewn ⪢⪢
The highlights are the glowworms strewn across the ceiling dangling and shining among the stalactites.
23564#7489 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7489
○○○ Ta Prohm ⪢⪢
Colloquially known as the tomb raider temple, Ta Prohm was built almost 900 years ago. #bookmark
23564#8454 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 8454
○○○ Waitomo Glowworm Caves ⪢⪢
Under 3 hours from Auckland, the Waitomo Glowworm Caves are an intricate system of caves, subterranean rivers and sink holes.
23564#23565 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23565
○○○ zip lining ⪢⪢
→ grotto
23564#7495 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7495
