EngliSea > E > Editor's > Apollo 11 Declassified
Apollo 11 Declassified
14423#27732 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27732
○○○ behemoth ⪢⪢
On July 16th 1969, the towering silhouette of the Saturn 5 rocket, a behemoth of American engineering, cast a long shadow on the Florida landscape. #bookmark
14423#27733 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27733
○○○ catapult ⪢⪢
→ Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins #bookmark
14423#27763 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27763
○○○ pause ⪢⪢
14423#19929 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19929
○○○ poise ⪢⪢
The Apollo 11 mission was _____d to embark on a journey that would etch its narrative into the tapestry of human history. #bookmark
14423#27734 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27734
Pillow English Listening
