EngliSea > P > places > Pazyryk
Proverbs and Quotes in English
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27741#27740 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27740
○○○ element ⪢⪢
Centuries ago, the tomb was looted exposing it to the elements and allowing the freezing weather in. #bookmark
27741#27745 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27745
○○○ element ⪢⪢
Elements of this old peice of carpet are similar to the type of design we might expect to see today.
27741#27757 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27757
○○○ front room ⪢⪢
At 9 feet long and 6 feet wide, it would take up quite a lot of space in most modern _____.
27741#27760 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27760
○○○ Griffin ⪢⪢
There are depictions of flower blossoms, animals, the sun and riders on horseback. There is even a winged Griffin on one of the borders. #bookmark
27741#27759 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27759
○○○ Pazyryk ⪢⪢
It's the Pazyryk rug and it's 2,600 years old. #bookmark
27741#27743 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27743
○○○ route ⪢⪢
The valley it was found in was a popular trade route between Central Asia and China, so it's impossible to say for sure who made the carpet or which country it was made in. #bookmark
27741#27761 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27761
○○○ rug ⪢⪢
Were it not for that freezing process, the rug might not be quite so well preserved. #bookmark
27741#27755 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27755
○○○ Sergei Rudenko ⪢⪢
Russian archeologist Sergei Rudenko found it in 1949 in the tomb of the Scythian prince in Mongolia. #bookmark
27741#27744 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27744
○○○ vintage fashion ⪢⪢
If you an appericator of fine vintage fashion and you have a taste for old rugs, this one might appeal to you but it would cost a lot of money to lay your hands on it. #bookmark
27741#27742 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27742
