EngliSea > G > grammer > Future : Prediction

will ┆ be going to ┆ be -ing
4131#11753 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11753
Be Going To
(1) future plans decided before "I can't go with you tonight I'm going to study at the library with some friends." (2) predictions we can see now "Look at the clouds! It's going to rain."
4131#4134 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4134
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
Future Time Clauses 1
"I'll eat dinner tonight when I finish my homework."
4131#4976 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4976
Future Time Clauses 2
Time conjunctions: when, while, before, after, until, as soon as, by the time
4131#4977 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4977
Predicting the Future 1
(1) Future facts "I will turn 33 next year." (2) Prodictions based on your opinion "I believe my team will win tomorrow." (3) time and conditional clauses "He'll probably call if he gets stuck in traffic." "When you get home will you make dinner?"
4131#4970 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4970
Predicting the Future 2
"I'm not going to get home early this evening. The traffic is terrible."
4131#4971 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4971
Three Ways to Express Future Events
○ Very sure future plans ○ What are you doing tonight? ○ She is going shopping after class. ○ What time are you comming to the party?
4131#4974 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4974
Three Ways to Express Future Events
(1) present continuous: Emphasizes the present effect of the future event. Fixed plans. (2) be going to: Emphasizes the intention. Plans made in the past. (3) present simple: Future event based on a schedule or timetable. Used in subordinate clauses.
4131#4068 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4068
Possible situation in the present or future → Prediction • Intention
4131#11707 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11707
