EngliSea > A > archeology > 20 Archeological Discoveries
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20 Archeological Discoveries
461#24392 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24392
⨀⨀⨀ Ashurbanipal ⪢⪢
461#24447 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24447
○○○ cave ⪢⪢
461#17280 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17280
⨀⨀⨀ Gobekli Tepe ⪢⪢
461#17335 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17335
○○○ in the comments ⪢⪢
461#17328 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17328
⨀⨀⨀ Knossos ⪢⪢
#place #Greece
461#24438 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24438
○○○ Madaba ⪢⪢
In the late 19th century, construction began on a new Greek orthodox church in Jordan's capital city of Madaba. #image #place
461#17336 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17336
⨀⨀⨀ Mohenjo-Daro ⪢⪢
461#24439 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24439
◎◎◎ Olduvai Gorge ⪢⪢
#image #place
461#24443 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24443
○○○ pick ⪢⪢
461#17312 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17312
○○○ piece together ⪢⪢
461#17319 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17319
⨀⨀⨀ Pompeii ⪢⪢
461#24446 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24446
○○○ Qumran ⪢⪢
→ wayward #image #place
461#24445 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24445
⨀⨀⨀ Sutton Hoo ⪢⪢
461#24442 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24442
○○○ The Antikythera Mechanism ⪢⪢
461#24440 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24440
○○○ The Cave of Altamira ⪢⪢
#image #place
461#24444 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24444
⨀⨀⨀ The Rosetta Stone ⪢⪢
461#24448 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24448
○○○ The Serapeum of Alexandria ⪢⪢
#image #place
461#23885 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23885
○○○ Tutankhamun's Tomb ⪢⪢
#image #place
461#24441 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24441
