EngliSea > Q > QUIZ > old
◌◌◌ agility
7134#4380 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4380
◌◌◌ Aphrodite
Goddess of beauty, love, desire and pleasure. She is usually depicted as a naked or semi-nude beautiful woman. Her sacred animals are doves and sparrows. Her Roman counterpart is Venus.
7134#4846 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4846
◌◌◌ Ares
7134#5453 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5453
◌◌◌ Aries
7134#7126 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7126
Beyond Meat
7134#5452 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5452
◌◌◌ brachiation
7134#6642 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6642
◌◌◌ Gozo
It's so secluded in fact that parts of it is set to be the settings of Calypso's isle from Holmer's Odysey where Calypso keeps Odysseus imprisoned for years.
7134#7168 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7168
◌◌◌ homage
7134#6656 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6656
◌◌◌ influencer
7134#6286 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6286
◌◌◌ Libra
7134#7127 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7127
◌◌◌ Minerva
Goddess of reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy and handicrafts. She is the patron of city Athens which was named after her. She is commonly shown as being accompanied by her sacred animal the owl.
7134#7057 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7057
◌◌◌ nutrient
7134#3886 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3886
On the origin of species
How do we explain how animals have evolved over time. Charles Darwin, the British naturalist and geologist, famously answered this question in his book '_____' which proposed the mechanism of evolutionary change within animal species.
7134#6545 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6545
◌◌◌ piebald
7134#6831 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6831
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
◌◌◌ realist
7134#15739 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15739
◌◌◌ season
So when Persephone was with Hades, Demeter was sad and not in the mood for the harvest. The Earth would decline into autumn and winter. When Persephone was with her mother, Demeter would shine from happiness and the land would become _____ and fruitful.
7134#7131 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7131
social media
Social media is not real. You're only seeing the _____ part of someone's life.
7134#6805 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6805
◌◌◌ Wuhan
7134#8927 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 8927
◌◌◌ Zeus
King of the gods, ruler of Mt. Olympus and god of the sky, weather, thunder, lightning, law, order and justice. In art he is depicted as regal mature man with a sturdy figure and dark beard. His Roman counterpart is Jupiter also known as Jove.
