ago ⪢⪢
Ago means of time past or a specific time before now.
 ago ⪢⪢
Christopher Columbus lived many years ago.
◎◎◎ ancient ⪢⪢
Ancient means very old or something that happened long long ago.
○○○ black box ⪢⪢
In China, officials say they have recovered the "black box" flight recorder of the China Eastern Airplane that crashed days ago, killing 132 people. 2022-03-23
○○○ underfloor ⪢⪢
As hard as this might be to believe, the Romans had underfloor heating in their homes 2000 years ago.
○○○ Ta Prohm ⪢⪢
Colloquially known as the tomb raider temple, Ta Prohm was built almost 900 years ago. #bookmark
○○○ nebula ⪢⪢
The solar system came into being about 4.5 billion years ago when a cloud of interstellar gas and dust collapsed resulting in a solar nebula, a swirling disk of material that collided to form the solar system.
○○○ hunt ⪢⪢
Long ago, people _____ed with bows and arrows.
○○○ wreckage ⪢⪢
Chinese emergency workers find nine bodies in a mine that collapsed two weeks ago in Shandong province. On Sunday, China pulled eleven survivors from the wreckage. One person died earlier; another remains missing. 2021-01-25
○○○ tremor ⪢⪢
Experts believe the quake was an aftershock from the massive tremor that hit the region 10 years ago.
○○○ look up ⪢⪢
Thousands of years ago, ancient astronomers looked up at the sky.
○○○ hustle ⪢⪢
40 years ago he went to jail for trying to assassinate then-president Ronald Reagan. Today John Hinckley is a free man and now going public with his side hustle as a singer.
○○○ rust-colored ⪢⪢
700,000 years ago, a rust-colored rhino roamed the vast open highlands of Siberia and Central Asia.
○○○ wild ⪢⪢
And 700,000 years ago the world was only a few degrees cooler than it is now, which is why at the time the range of the woolly rhinos was restricted to the cold wilds of Siberia.
○○○ root ⪢⪢
The origins of what Putin wants today are rooted in what happened more than 3 decades ago back in the early 1990s when the Soviet Union first collapsed.
○○○ in his eyes a flaming glow ⪢⪢
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago He was big and strong, _____ Most people looked at him with terror and with fear But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear #lyrics
○○○ element ⪢⪢
Centuries ago, the tomb was looted exposing it to the elements and allowing the freezing weather in. #bookmark
○○○ Aegean Sea ⪢⪢
Ancient Greece was born on the shores of the _____ about 4,000 years ago. #Greece
 Companies That Didn’t Exist 10 Years Ago
 But not for long!
By about 450,000 years ago, global temperatures had dropped by about 6 degrees Celsius and stayed there for thousands of years.
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