root ⪢⪢
The origins of what Putin wants today are rooted in what happened more than 3 decades ago back in the early 1990s when the Soviet Union first collapsed.
○○○ complex number ⪢⪢
A _____ is a number that can be expressed in the form a + bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1. #math
○○○ 1054 ⪢⪢
This new rotating power-sharing agreement will be the root cause for several generations' numerous internal wars that will exhaust and divide the Kievan Rus'. #will_would
 08 Simplifying Expressions With Roots and Exponents
 16 Solving Higher Degree Polynomials by Synthetic Division and the Rational Roots Test
Solving Higher Degree Polynomials by Synthetic Division and the Rational Roots Test
 BC 0500? Hippasus
According to Pythagoras theorem the diagonal length of a square with each side measuring one unit would be square root of two. The assumption that square root of two could be expressed as a ratio of two integers deduces a contradiction.
 07 Square Roots, Cube Roots, and Other Roots
 09 Solving Algebraic Equations With Roots and Exponents
Solving Algebraic Equations With Roots and Exponents
 09 Solving Algebraic Equations With Roots and Exponents
Solving Algebraic Equations With Roots and Exponents
 08 Simplifying Expressions With Roots and Exponents
Simplifying Expressions With Roots and Exponents
 07 Square Roots, Cube Roots, and Other Roots
Square Roots, Cube Roots, and Other Roots
 01 Hippasus
○ According to Pythagoras theorem the diagonal length of a square with each side measuring one unit would be square root of two. ○ The assumption that square root of two could be expressed as a ratio of two integers deduces a contradiction.
 √2 ≈ 1.414
According to Pythagoras theorem the diagonal length of a square with each side measuring one unit would be square root of two. The assumption that square root of two could be expressed as a ratio of two integers deduces a contradiction. #math
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