planet ⪢⪢
 planet ⪢⪢
○○○ were to ⪢⪢
If you were to go outside tonight and look at the night sky, you would observe stars and planets and the moon, and during the day the sun as well, moving together across the sky. #be
○○○ scientist ⪢⪢
If scientists are right, this would be the ninth planet in our solar system. ▲→▲
○○○ confirmation ⪢⪢
Confirmation of a ninth planet would be very big news. ▲→▲
○○○ Pluto ⪢⪢
Pluto had been considered the ninth planet until 2006 when it was renamed a dwarf planet.
○○○ orbit ⪢⪢
It would take the planet 10,000 to 20,000 years to make one full orbit around the sun. ▲→▲
○○○ configuration ⪢⪢
Our solar system's particular configuration of planets and other celestial objects, all revolving around the life-giving star, make it a special place to call home.
○○○ reputation ⪢⪢
In the lowland forests of Asia there is an insect with a frightening _____ . The biggest wasp on the planet, the giant hornet. #bookmark → repute
○○○ Friday ⪢⪢
And Friday. Well, the only planet left is Venus, goddess of love. The Anglo-Saxen goddess of love was Frigg and this is her day. #front #Greece
○○○ Pluto ⪢⪢
When _____ was discovered in 1930, it was named the 9th planet of the solar system. More than 75 years later, that planetary status revoked and _____ was demoted to a dwarf planet. → revoke, demote #Greece
○○○ errant ⪢⪢
They called these errant objects planets, a word that means wandering stars.
○○○ churn ⪢⪢
altogether encompass the entire planet → geodynamo, attain
○○○ everyday ⪢⪢
357 miles above planet Earth tonight four everyday Americans in process of proving that space travel for the rest of us is possible.
○○○ intimidating ⪢⪢
Speed, strength and aggression, these made Mike Tyson the most dangerous person on the planet. His boxing style was both ferocious and intimidating which was better and more powerful in the style of most other boxers in the ring.
○○○ drift ⪢⪢
More than that, the sun is what holds the solar system together. It's massive gravity is what keeps the earth and all the other planets circling around it instead of drifting off into space.
○○○ Goldilocks ⪢⪢
Earth is what's called a Goldilocks planet because it's not too hot and not too cold. It is just right.
○○○ tilt ⪢⪢
Unlike any other planet in the solar system, it is tilted so much that it actually spins sideways.
○○○ indiscriminately ⪢⪢
What Israel is doing right now is _____ bombing one of the most densely populated regions on the planet.
 dwarf planets
-- Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Charon, Dysnomia
 Present Perfect
Scientists say they have found evidence of a giant planet in the solar system. There have only been two true planets discovered since ancient times. Planets have been predicted before and then were not found.
◌◌◌ Moon
Over 150 moons orbit the solar system's planets and one of those moons calls Earth home.
 Planet Nine
○ The scientists are with the California Institute of Technology or Caltech. ○ Pluto had been considered the ninth planet until 2006 when it was renamed a dwarf planet. ○ Anna Matteo, Konstantin Batygan, Mike Brown, Robert Massey
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