shadow ⪢⪢
Keep your face always toward the sunshine and _____s will fall behind you. #quote
 shadow ⪢⪢
Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. #quote
○○○ plunge ⪢⪢
These incidents, many caught on video over the past 2 decades, show U.S. military encounters with shadowy objects that seem capable of traveling upwards at 11,000 miles per hour, changing direction and plunging into water without slowing down. #bookmark
○○○ while ⪢⪢
But all the _____ , the shadowy figure watched from below.
○○○ behemoth ⪢⪢
On July 16th 1969, the towering silhouette of the Saturn 5 rocket, a behemoth of American engineering, cast a long shadow on the Florida landscape. #bookmark
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