EngliSea > A > astronomy > solar system > dwarf planets
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
dwarf planets
-- Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Charon, Dysnomia
16411#6723 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6723
○○○ errant ⪢⪢
They called these errant objects planets, a word that means wandering stars.
16411#15555 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15555
○○○ look up ⪢⪢
Thousands of years ago, ancient astronomers looked up at the sky.
16411#14660 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14660
○○○ think ⪢⪢
Some of the things they thought were stars were moving in ways they didn't expect.
16411#15563 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15563
