EngliSea > G > grammer > be
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
19160#1058 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 1058
○○○ be to blame ⪢⪢
In Afghanistan, gunfire and explosions killed at least 40 civilians at a wedding party Sunday night. United States and Afghan officials are studying reports that Afghan forces and the U.S. airstrikes were to blame. 2019-09-23 #be
19160#12389 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12389
○○○ was to ⪢⪢
Ashamed he decreed that the prince was use a special hat that would cover his ears and that he was never to take it off. The prince was not to know about his donkey ears. → decree #be
19160#4042 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4042
were to
19160#19164 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19164
