EngliSea > I > IT > programming > html
○○○ attributes ⪢⪢
#bookmark #it
15346#15230 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15230
○○○ block & inline element ⪢⪢
#bookmark #it
15346#15374 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15374
○○○ are ⪢⪢
Now these are just the default values. #bookmark
15346#4024 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4024
○○○ browser ⪢⪢
So any time you visit a web site in your browser know that HTML is playing an important role. #bookmark #it
15346#27691 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27691
○○○ bullet point ⪢⪢
Ordered list will use the OL tag to add numbers at the beginning of each line while unordered list will use the UL tag to add a bullet point to each line. #bookmark #it
15346#15379 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15379
○○○ buttons ⪢⪢
#bookmark #it
15346#15377 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15377
○○○ div ⪢⪢
#bookmark #it
15346#15378 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15378
○○○ Google Docs ⪢⪢
Even a complex web app like Google Docs uses HTML although it also uses other code like Javascript. #bookmark #it
15346#27690 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27690
○○○ H1 ⪢⪢
It could be a paragraph, a list item or an H1 which is a type of heading and there are many others. #bookmark #it
15346#27692 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27692
○○○ HTML ⪢⪢
HTML is a markup language that web sites use to contain their content. #it
15346#15371 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15371
○○○ images ⪢⪢
#bookmark #it
15346#15375 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15375
○○○ it ⪢⪢
Every web site uses HTML but they use it in different ways. #it
15346#27689 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27689
◌◌◌ links
15346#15347 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15347
○○○ lists ⪢⪢
#bookmark #it
15346#15369 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15369
○○○ paragraphs ⪢⪢
#bookmark #it
15346#4003 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4003
○○○ part ⪢⪢
It has an angle bracket on each side and the part in the middle determins what kind of tag it is. #bookmark #it
15346#15386 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15386
○○○ slash ⪢⪢
The end tag always includes a slash. #it
15346#27693 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27693
○○○ tag ⪢⪢
HTML is composed of tags. #it
15346#15370 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15370
○○○ text ⪢⪢
In this case, the browser will know to display this text as a large heading. #bookmark #it
15346#27695 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27695
○○○ that ⪢⪢
Together they act as a kind of label _____ defines what's in between them.
15346#15385 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15385
○○○ webpage ⪢⪢
It's basically just a document that your browser can open which will then display a webpage. #bookmark #it
15346#27688 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27688
○○○ will ⪢⪢
When viewed on a website, the link _____ be clickable and it _____ bring the user to the URL when clicked. #bookmark #it
15346#4017 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4017
Pillow English Listening
○○○ with ⪢⪢
Almost all websites use text and one of the most common ways to organize text is with paragraphs. #bookmark #it
15346#15368 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15368
