EngliSea > G > grammer > perfect
Perfect Aspect
4139#4143 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4143
○○○ Pluto ⪢⪢
Pluto had been considered the ninth planet until 2006 when it was renamed a dwarf planet.
4139#4150 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4150
Present Perfect
If the result of the past action continues now, we use present perfect.
4139#4140 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4140
Present Perfect
Scientists say they have found evidence of a giant planet in the solar system. There have only been two true planets discovered since ancient times. Planets have been predicted before and then were not found.
4139#4149 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4149
Present Perfect or Past Simple 1
4139#4141 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4141
Present Perfect or Past Simple 2
4139#4142 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4142
Pillow English Listening
