EngliSea > M > math > 10 Arithmatic

The study of numbers, especially the properties of the traditional operations on them—addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
01 Introduction to Mathematics
○ Many students wonder why it's even necessary to learn in the first place. ○ How social media knows who you're going to tag in a photo before you do.
4816#4817 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4817
02 Addition and Subtraction
despise, inventory, anthropology, conceptualization, vendor, commutative, associative
4816#4818 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4818
03 Multiplication and Division
burgeoning, acuity
4816#4819 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4819
03 What Is Arithmetic?
4816#5136 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5136
04 Fractions, Improper Fractions, and Mixed Numbers
4816#4820 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4820
04 Order Of Operations
Math Antics - Order Of Operations
4816#5137 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5137
05 Factoring
Math Antics - Factoring
4816#5138 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5138
05 Large Whole Numbers: Place Values and Estimating
Large Whole Numbers: Place Values and Estimating
4816#4821 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4821
06 Decimals: Notation and Operations
ad infinitum, inhabit
4816#4822 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4822
06 Prime Factorization
Math Antics - Prime Factorization
4816#5139 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5139
07 Multi-Digit Addition
Math Antics - Multi-Digit Addition
4816#5140 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5140
07 Working With Percentages
Working With Percentages
4816#4823 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4823
08 Converting Between Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages
Converting Between Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages
4816#4824 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4824
08 Multi-Digit Subtraction
Math Antics - Multi-Digit Subtraction
4816#5141 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5141
09 Addition and Subtraction of Large Numbers
Addition and Subtraction of Large Numbers
4816#4825 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4825
09 Multi-Digit Multiplication Pt 1
Math Antics - Multi-Digit Multiplication Pt 1
4816#5142 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5142
10 Multi-Digit Multiplication Pt 2
Math Antics - Multi-Digit Multiplication Pt 2
4816#5143 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5143
10 The Distributive Property
The Distributive Property for Arithmetic
4816#4826 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4826
11 Basic Division
Math Antics - Basic Division
4816#5144 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5144
11 Multiplication of Large Numbers
Multiplication of Large Numbers
4816#4827 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4827
12 Division of Large Numbers
Division of Large Numbers: Long Division
4816#4828 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4828
13 Long Division with 2-Digit Divisors
Math Antics - Long Division with 2-Digit Divisors
4816#5146 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5146
13 Negative Numbers
Negative Numbers
4816#4829 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4829
Pillow English Listening
14 Decimal Arithmetic
Math Antics - Decimal Arithmetic
4816#5150 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5150
14 Understanding Exponents and Their Operations
Understanding Exponents and Their Operations
4816#4830 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4830
15 Order of Arithmetic Operations: PEMDAS
Order of Arithmetic Operations: PEMDAS
4816#4831 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4831
16 Divisibility, Prime Numbers, and Prime Factorization
The fundamental theorem of arithmetic: there is only one unique set of prime factors for any number.
4816#4832 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4832
16 Mean, Median and Mode
Math Antics - Mean, Median and Mode
4816#5152 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5152
17 Least Common Multiple (LCM)
Least Common Multiple (LCM)
4816#4833 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4833
18 Adding & Subtracting Integers
Math Antics - Adding & Subtracting Integers
4816#5154 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5154
18 Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
4816#3761 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3761
19 Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
4816#3762 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3762
20 Intro To Exponents (aka Indices)
Multiplication shows repeated addition and exponents show repeated multiplication.
4816#5066 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5066
20 Multiplication and Division of Fractions
Multiplication and Division of Fractions
4816#3764 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3764
21 Analyzing Sets of Data: Range, Mean, Median, and Mode
The median and the mode dilute the impact of anomalous data.
4816#4938 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4938
22 Rounding
4816#5068 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5068
23 Basic Probability
Math Antics - Basic Probability
4816#5069 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5069
◌◌◌ Integers
4816#9611 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9611
