EngliSea > M > math > 30 Complex Number

The set C of complex numbers is the set R2 of ordered pairs of real numbers. a+bi = [a,b]
Multiplication, Reciprocal & Division
For 2 dimensional numbers, x = [p∠φ] = [p·→φ,p·↑φ] = [a,b] y = [q∠ψ] = [q·→ψ,q·↑ψ] = [c,d] Multiplication x·y = [(p·q)∠(φ+ψ)] = [(p·q)·→(φ+ψ),(p·q)·↑(φ+ψ)] = [p·q·(→φ·→ψ−↑φ·↑ψ), p·q·(↑φ·→ψ+→φ·↑ψ)] = [p·→φ·q·→ψ−p·↑φ·q·↑ψ, p·↑φ·q·→ψ+p·→φ·q·↑ψ] = [a·c−b·d, ...
9605#9628 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9628
◌◌◌ Brian
9605#9606 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9606
Complex Number
Hamilton introduced the approach to define the set C of complex numbers as the set R2 of ordered pairs [a,b] of real numbers and [a,b] + [c,d] = [a+c,b+d] [a,b] · [c,d] = [ac-bd,bc+ad] It is then just a matter of notation to express [a,b] as a+bi.
9605#9609 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9609
◌◌◌ Dave
dreaded, discriminant
9605#9608 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9608
e, mathematical constant
e = (1+1/n)⩘n「n⪫∞」= Σ(1/n!)「n⪫∞」
9605#9668 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9668
Euler's formula
9605#9669 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9669
Songs in Easy English
Krista King
9605#9647 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9647
PBS Infinie Series
9605#9648 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9648
